Step One: Is it raining out? Cold and Windy? Snowing? So what, run anyway. Just don't think about it. The less you consider the cold and damp conditions you are stepping into the better. It also helps if you don't match, in the least, just make sure that you are bright. There are crazy drivers out there, and they are even worse in times of bad weather, and if you live in New Jersey... well carry a neon sign with you.
Step Two: Get a indoor trainer so you can hook your bike up and ride even when the weather is bad and the temps are low. Once you purchase your trainer, download some movies from, set it all up and prepare to suffer. Tonight was my first experiance with Sufferlandia and I wanted to pass out after the first twenty minutes. That video was pretty intense, if you actually do it right, it can be a killer. It hurt but I am addicted now. The picture below was my view, I set my little laptop up and went to work. Looks a little like a dream, somewhat blurry, that's how I felt throughout the ride.
Once you get off the bike and that crazy work-out is done, this is how you should feel.
Knocked out. My first one was only 50 minutes long, but it kicked my butt thoroughly.
Step Three: This step is a little bit more annoying. It is about getting your butt up at 4:15am to be at the pool by 5am. That hasn't happened yet for me this season. Last season I went three times a day without fail, almost, so I know I have the ability in there somewhere. Stay tuned, I assure you I will get back into it.
That is all the steps I have for tonight. Yesterday I ran six miles in the rain and wind, the runs are getting longer, but not yet faster. Every little bit helps, the speed will come with the work. Dinner consisted of Gluten free beer and gluten free pasta with salt. The speedy after late workout meal is always lacking.
Any other tips for winter training would be greatly appreciated... I love running in the woods when it snows. Snowy silent forests are the best part of winter training.
Chapstick is key. You face is often the only exposed flesh, so you gotta pay special attention to it. I am also using the winter as an excuse to weight train at the gym.